Monday 24 August 2015

Oregon Scenic Byway 101

Washington and Oregon State have a reputation for being rainy and dreary but for the majority of our experience with them, it's been super hot and sunny. The locals tell us that we arrived in a middle of a drought. Our drive back to scenic byway 101 from Portland was our first rainy day in the American Pacific North West. 

We rejoined the 101 at Lincoln City where we stopped in to get our car a much needed oil change and fluids top up. We're happy to report that despite the enormous distance we have crossed on our trip so far, there have been no major problems with the car and fingers crossed it stays that way. 

One of many ocean view look out stops along the Oregon portion of the 101
We pulled off at one of the many day use areas along the ocean front off of the 101. While Bill was in the washroom I turned my back on our food for no more than a few seconds to take the above photo and when I turned back a seagull had helped itself to the rest of our lunch. Luckily we had already eaten most of it. Apparently seagulls love left over mash potatoes.
Stopped in for a lunch break overlooking the ocean.
Driving down the highway I saw a sign for Devil's Punchbowl. In our travels we've met a few people who have happily listed their favourite things to do in Oregon for us and I remembered Devil's Punchbowl was on the list.
Devil's Punchbowl scenic lookout. 
Luckily we arrived when the tide was just beginning to come in. We had enough time to hike down and look around before the 'punchbowl' became impassable.

Exploring Devil's Punchbowl

The Punchbowl filling with water as the tide rises

Looking over the cliffs
We stopped to camp on the Beach at South Sunset Bay just south of Coo's Bay.  We got an amazing site right on the beach with a gorgeous West Coast sunset.
South Sunset Bay

Our campsite at South Sunset Bay
Shortly after we set up, an RV pulled up beside us with a couple from Oregon on a weekend getaway. Sherrie and Keith invited us over for drinks and we ended up chatting with them long into the evening.

The next morning we had breakfast next door with our new RV friends, went for a morning walk on the beach and then hit the road again for another long drive down the Oregon Coast.

Our first scenic turn out of the morning. 

Arch Rock scenic lookout

We stopped at many places along the coast. So many uncrowded, perfect beaches and rugged rocky outcrops. By the late afternoon we crossed into our fourth state, California. 

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