
You would trust these faces right?? 

That's what we were hoping when we took this photo for our airbnb and couchsurfing profile photo. Just another step in getting ready for a whole summer of road tripping! 

We've quit our jobs and we're packing up our apartment to explore Canada and the US in our 2005 Nissan Sentra 'Franny'. En route there will be lots of new flavours to taste, trails to hike, cities to explore and scenic routes to drive. We'll be meeting tons of old friends along the way and making new ones too!

Our approximate route as of May 2015
Bill Boyd
First long distance trip that I will be putting under my belt. Looking forward to seeing parts of Canada and United States.

I am originally from New Brunswick and moved to Guelph for schooling and eventually ended up working there.

Amy Mills
Traveling has always been a passion of mine and I'm thrilled to have Bill along with me this time. I couldn't think of a better co-pilot to have.

I grew up in King City Ontario, Canada and moved to Guelph to compete my Psychology undergrad. Click here to see some of my past travels

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