Saturday 10 October 2015

Miami Beach, Florida

After spending one more morning lounging on the beach  at Bahia Honda State Park in the Keys we drove the three hours back to the mainland and over to Miami Beach. 
Walking up the strip at night in Miami Beach
We stayed at a hostel just one block from the beach while we were in Miami. Sleeping indoors with air conditioning was a welcomed change. We spent most of our time here relaxing and re-calibrating our budget to match the ever rising exchange rate. To adjust, we also had to cut out some things from the planned remainder of our trip. In the end we settled on skipping Boston and New York, saving them for a future trip.

I had never had Cuban food before. I didn't even really have an idea of what Cuban food was but we loved it! Just down the street from our hostel, Las Olas Cafe served up some delicious Cuban sandwiches and some tasty chicken with red beans on rice. I usually don't like pickles, but a Cuban sandwich is my new favourite

Miami Beach

Worm waters and white cap waves
After a full day of exploring Miami Beach and eating Cuban food we relaxed on the beach until the sun went down

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