Tuesday 8 September 2015

Grand Canyon National Park

We arrived in the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in the early afternoon. We grabbed a campsite, set up and then headed over to the North Kaibab trailhead to hike down as far as we could with the remaining daylight hours that we had. 

Magic tunnel!
 In 2013 I hiked the South Kaibab all the way down to the Colorado River and back up the Bright Angle trail the next day. The North Rim is much greener by comparison. We had some amazing views on the way down. 

There is something on the rock!!

Wrap around view.

We made it as far down as the bridge and then began the strenuous accent back up to our campsite, satisfied with a hearty day hike.

We were impressed with the North Rim's facilities, they had a grocery store, laundromat and showers. We bought some beers, wine and firewood and had ourselves a nice campfire. Due to the fire ban in most parks throughout July and August, we haven't been able to have a camp fire in a very long time.
Roasting some marshmallows on our campfire

The next morning we packed up and took a much needed shower. Next we walked out to Bright Angle Point for a 360 degree view of the canyon.

Amazing View

Bill climbed up higher for a better shot
Satisfied with our amazing panorama, we hopped back in the car to spend the hottest part of the day driving to Zion National Park, just a few hours up the road.

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